
What is a really nice cheap Blu-Ray Player?

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Please dont tell me PS3 i dont want one




  1. whether you want a ps3 or not it is one of the best blueray players around and support online content on some blueray discs(can't get that on ant other player) it also plays and stores music and photos so that is a bonus and can play games if you ever want too. Reconsider a Ps3 and check it out, Bought mine for games but use it more for other things (like online voice chat)

  2. No such thing. Blu-ray players are all still too expensive for most folks. About the best you can do is ~$300 and that is usually a profile 1.0 or 1.1 player (Not 2.0).

    Blu-ray players will never be as cheap as DVD players, but I'd advise waiting until at least the Xmas season '08, when prices are expected to come down to ~$200.

    On the other hand, unless you have a medium>large HDTV and a good sound system you are pretty much wasting your money on Blu-ray. Upconverted DVDs will look almost as good ... and cost a lot less.

    Blu-ray is a premium priced alternative to DVD for those willing to pay the higher prices.

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