
What is a realy reliable car and economical to run?

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What is a realy reliable car and economical to run?




  1. A lot of people rave about the "hybrid" cars.  Personally, I'm fond of my Toyota Corolla.  Six years old...never any major problems, good gas mileage.

  2. The ford focus

  3. Toyota Corolla.

  4. Honda accord 2003 V6 the best! very relyble, good gas milage and the power.....

    Mine runs great! all hondas .....

    Toyotas are just ok..

    Buy Honda ...if you want power Buy American y you want economic Japanese if you want Luxury European if you want to throw your money buy Corean cars ( sorry but true )

  5. Ford Taurus.

  6. Fiesta?

  7. I have a 1992 Mercury Tracer. Gets 37 mpg. Paid $1500. Runs great, has 180,000 miles. My friend has a 1988 VW Golf that was converted to Biodeisel for about $600, he gets close to 70 mpg and has over 300,000 miles and runs on gas made from used corn oil.  What you're looking for is out there, just not advertised as much. If you can deal with an older car, they made some good ones. Good Luck!

  8. bicycle

  9. Toyota.


  11. feet

  12. Really has two 'l's.

  13. Porsche 911 gt2 or gt3 RSR

  14. I have a Kia Optima and I love it!!  I'm in college 4 hours away from home and my I travel ALOT...its a great car...good on gas...very reliable...In high school I had a Toyota Camry and it was a really good, reliable car too...good luck!!

  15. Saturn, although I now have a chevi Malibu.  I miss my Saturn.  And, they are made here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

    In the US I mean.  Tennessee I think.

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