
What is a reason to get my lip peirced?

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I want to get my lip peirced...

my mom let my younger brother get his eye brow...

but she won't let me get anything perced...





  1. i understand why your mum is saying no

    its simple

    i have 17 piercings and i cannot get a job anywhere!

    she is simply looking out for you and your future.

    but you could just go out and do it yourself if your 16 and have ID

    just talk to your mum and tell her how much you want it

    if nothing works, you can always threaten get it done yourself :)

  2. omg lol i want the same thing lol

    ok say this

    hey mom, i was just wondering if i could get my lip pierced. Now before you say no, i've noticed that (younger brother) was allowed to get his eyebrow pierced, and i think it's really unfair that he was allowed a piercing, but i wasn't. I mean, i am older and more mature than him. It's my body, and i think i should be able to choose for myself what i want to do to it. I realize the consequences, but i still really wanna do this. Please mom!

  3. Some parents have problems with oral piercings (worried about it s******g up your teeth & gums, usually), I know mine do.  You may want to look into getting a vertical labret if your dead set on a lip piercing & your mom says no, but just talk to her about it & ask her nicely and maturely.  

  4. use that as a reason

    if he's younger that's not fair that he should and your can't

    ask her why and stuff.

  5. Just be aware that if you walk around with a lip piercing, everyone you meet for as long as you have the piercing is going to make certain assumptions and judgments of you - and they will not always be flattering.  

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