
What is a reasonable fee to charge a company to advertise on your site with 30,000 members?

by  |  earlier

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I have recently made membership to my website free and will be working toward a minimum 30,000 members. With this number, what would be a reasonable fee to advertise for company's on my site? Whether it be a link (logo) or, I have a database that allows baseball organizations to advertise their camps, clinics and showcases. I think I have already come up with a reasonable $24/month fee to advertise an event so I am more concerned about what is reasonable to allow a link or logo to their site? Thanks.




  1. For a link:$10.00

    for a logo: $30.00

  2. All you can get. And be tough about it. Make your potential advertisers aware of the great things your web site can do for "THEM"

  3. how many unique visitors and pageviews do you get per month? A $10 CPM (cost-per-thousand) is the average rate.

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