
What is a reasonable price to make my parents pay?

by  |  earlier

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I'm cleaning my house tomorrow with my friend, and my parents want to know how much to pay. They aren't picking anything up because we aren't professionals, so I'm picking up toys, and papers, and all that good stuff. We are also cleaning the windows, soooo what would that be around? Vacuuming too.




  1. why are you making your friend help you?

  2. 10 per hour

  3. that doesnt sound like your doing THAT much. at most 20 bucks each for you and your friend. but still they are your parents...

  4. flat rate of like 100 bucks for the whole job.

  5. If you are still living at home, you need to help your parents out. Are they charging you to live there? Probably not.....You also probably eat there, do laundry and other things. Quit thinking of yourself and think of the things your parents did for you while you were growing up. I bet they gave up a lot just so you could do the things you wanted to do.

  6. Consider all the things they paid for and did for you for your first 18 years and call if even.

  7. i agree with the others who said you shouldn't charge them anything.  consider it to be something that family members do for each other.  if you're old enough to clean the house, you have surely had many years of their generosity toward you.  in families, help shouldn't come down to dollars and cents.

  8. i would say charge them 50 dollars if it is less than 2 hours if it goes more than 2 hours charge them 60.00

  9. i dont think you should charge your parents to work for them. if they charged you  for everything they have done for you in yopur life you would never be able to pay them.

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