
What is a reasonable rate to pay someone to watch a pet?

by  |  earlier

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I have a neighbor that watches my cat while I'm gone. She lives below me two floors, so she doesn't have to travel at all. Basically she just stops by once a day to feed my cat some wet food. Dry food, water, and litter box are taken care of, ie, she only needs to take care of the wet food.

I've been paying ~$6/day. I'm probably being cheap considering pet boarding is ~$20/day.

Thoughts? Thanks.




  1. I think $6 a day is OK.  When my neighbor cared for our cat (dogs were in boarding) we brought them back a nice gift.

    When I have a pet sitter to stay in my home and care for both dogs and the cat, I pay $25 a day.

  2. The vet tech who comes twice a day to give insulin to one of our cats only charged $15 per day even though she stopped here twice each day, and she was really low cost considering the standard here is $20 for one trip a day with extra $$ if medicine has to be given.

  3. thats wicked cheap!!! i work at a doggie daycare it is $25/ a day and that is 8:30-6 and i knwo someone that boards and its $20/a dog per day.

  4. I say thats pretty good pay, I get payed $5 per time I come, per animal, usually it ammounts to $15-20 dollars, which is reasonable.

    You should ask her what she thinks is reasonable pay, and make an agreement on it.

  5. I would say that $10 is a fair rate. As she isn't a boarding facility with a license, insurance etc the full rate is unreasonable. Half the rate though would be more fair as she is being responsible for your cat and taking good care of her while you are gone.

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