
What is a rebuilt engine?

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I am thinking about purchasing a 1998 Dodge Ram for $1475, but it has a rebuilt engine with 40,000 miles on it. Should I stay away from this?




  1. >> What is a rebuilt engine?

    When an engine is beyond repair, they rebuild it.


    An engine is taken out of the car, and everything taken off. Then all the parts that do NOT measure up to the factory specs are replaced.  

    So in THEORY the rebuilt engine is good as new engine.  But in REALITY a rebuilt engine is only as good as the mechanic who did the work.

    So it is actually BETTER to have a rebuilt engine with some mileage on it (to prove it was done correctly).

    good luck....  

  2. A rebuilt, or remanufactured engine, is exactly what it sounds like.. a previously worn out or otherwise failed engine, that has been torn down, and restored to as close to like new condition as possible.. the crankshaft and bearings are measured for size and roundness; all tolerances are checked, any worn out or questionable parts are replaced..They are a very cost efficient alternative to a 'new' engine from a dealer, which may cost twice as much.. 40K miles on a rebuilt engine is the same as 40K on a new motor..Most well known rebuilders( Jasper or Promar) offer good warranties on their products as well, so there's no risk involved, so long as you keep up on the maintenance.

  3. rebuilt is just what it sounds like its been redone rebulit almost like new.... its not miles but the shape its in... so what you do is a walk around look for dents discolor... check tires for uneven wear no go... look under it for wet spots on the ground or the motor and transmission,,any no go... you check the tail pipe for wet or black...if black no go... you open the hood check the fluids...if any low no go... you crank and listen any knocks or ticking...any funny sounds or hard to start no go.. you drive it 30 minutes checking take off and braking how it steers....steers funny no go and every button and switch it has.. then you drive back and recheck everything again and if you find any one of these signs.... not so good a deal id pass.....

  4. tell them u want to see papers on where and when the motor was rebuilt and if they have that have you will be ok 4 a while but dodge chrysler Plymouth and jeep all have trans problems also ford taurus have transmission problems  

  5. Nothing wrong with a properly rebuilt engine. It's just an engine that has been completely disassembled and inspected. Surfaces are re machined to spec, worn parts are replaced, and the motor is reassembled. Reputable companies even give warranty.

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