
What is a rep and what is a set?

by  |  earlier

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I'm new to working out and I hear it all the time but have no clue what they are.




  1. a rep is one lift, a set is the collection of reps you do...

    if you lift 150 lbs one time that is one (rep).

    if you lift 150 lbs 10 times then you completed a (set) of 10 (reps).

    if you do 3 (sets) of 10 (reps) then you completed a total of 30 (reps)

  2. okay here is a simpla way of how to answer this question

    a rep is how many (lets say) jumping jacks you do. lets say u did 50 jumping jacks straight, once u take a break those 50 jumping jacks you just did is considered 1 set of jumping jacks. after your break you decide to do 50 more, after those you take a break again, that means u did 2 sets of 50 jumping jacks

    hoped it helped =D

  3. hey, i know this alot, i was in football

    well a rep is one time for doing the thing ur doing

    like if u were bench pressing, when u get it down to ur chest and up

    thats one rep, what is short for repetition

    and a set is how many reps you do

    so if you do 5 sets of 8 reps

    you do 40 reps total

    best answer please

  4. a "Rep" is a "Repetition."

    Do enough "Reps," and you get a "Set."

    Example) Jonny did 3 Sets of 12 Reps.

    AKA - Jonny did 36 Reps

  5. "Rep" is your reputation at your gym.  The "set" is the number of buddies you have around you at any given time.

  6. Rep is the number of repetitions you do in a row. Say 10 pushups in a row. Set is a group of reps. so 5 sets of 10 pushups would be 10 pushups in a row, take a break ten more, etc.

  7. A rep is one repitition and a set is multiple reps.  So if you do 3 sets of 10 reps, you did 30.

  8. A rep is one repetition of a movement..a set is a given number of reps. 3 sets of 10 is 10 reps per set with three sets giving you a total of 30 reps.

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