
What is a resume and what should i put on it?

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and also do you put your headshot seperate from your resume? is ur headshot supposed 2 b proffesional? can i use a school picture or just some random picture my mom took of me that was really good?




  1. you can find tips on what to put on your resume here, as well as look for casting calls: Hollywood-opportunities(dotcom). it's free.

  2. Depends on what you're auditioning for- if it's a local theater, you may not need a headshot. If it's a local professional theater, you could probably get away with a nice looking picture (as long as it looks like YOU). For a large professional theater or broadway or something, yes, you need a professional headshot.

    You resume should have your name at the top, followed by contact info (phone #, e-mail, maybe address). then list past theater experience- the show in one column, the role in the middle and the theater/group  in another column.

    If you have any TV/commecial experience, list that in a seperate section.

    List any other performance experience like choirs, singing the national anthem, recitals, concerts, etc in another section. List training/education in another section- if you have had voice lessons or dance lessons. List what kind and your teacher's name. List dates for the events and training sections. List theater experience in the order of biggest/most relevant role to smallest/least relevant role (relevant to what you are auditioning for).  the last section should be Special Skills- musical instruments you play, unique talents (like juggling, gymnastics, cheerleading, skateboarding) and list if you are comfortable with character voices and accents (only list specific accents if you have trained in them), and list if you can read or sightread music.

    O, and somewhere at the top you can list some stats as well, like height, hair/eye color and voice type (soprano, tenor, etc.)

    No need to list size or weight.

    You should print out your resume and trim the paper to fit your 8X10 headshot and staple it to the back with one staple in each corner (so that one side is your picture and one side is your resume)

  3. a resume is a list of all ur previous jobs or learning experiences. As for a picture any picture will do just make sure its a clear picture.

  4. Name


    Phone Number




    Eyes Color

    Hair Color

    Vocal Range


    Name of Production

    Role Played


    Name of Director


    Theatre Classes

    Vocal Classes

    Dance Classes


    Types of Dance you are proficient in

    Types of Singing

    Any Musical Instruments

    Any Dialects

    Any Specialized Theatrical Training (stage Combat, martial arts)

    If you want to continue to do theatre/film you will need to invest professional headshots but a photograph from the head and shoulders up will suffice.

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