
What is a rising sign? What is a moon sign? How do these affect the sun sign?

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What do I need to know in order to figure out my rising sign (other than my birthday).




  1. 100%agree with stardust

  2. The is Astronomy NOT astrology!

    Astronomy is science

    Astrology is pseudo-scientific nonsense that has no real bearing on your life.

    You'll probably get a better answer in the Mythology anf Folklore section.

    However, that said - there's no harm in playing with these things as long as you don;t take it too seriously.


    At the moment you were born, the moon would have been found in the sky in one of the zodiac signs - that's your moon sign.

    And one of the zodiac signs would have been rising (like the sun rises) - that's your rising sign.

    You can find out these things using planetarium software - like Stellarium, Redshift or Starry Night - but you do need to know the time of your birth as well as the date.

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