
What is a river valley?

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im doing my summer projects for highschool & i have no idea what it is :D




  1. Wikipeida has a paragraph on river valleys:

    You could also check out a physical geography textbook from a library - chances are there will be a good description there as well.

  2. On a map, its a section of land between two or more hills whose contour lines don't form together. Usually formed by flowing water.

  3. A valley is just a depression between 2 higher areas but there

    are various types of valleys. Some formed by plates moving (rift valley), some carved by glaciation, some made deeper and steeper by rivers to name a few.

    A river valley is a valley formed by running water (river). It is usually ' V ' shaped but can also be 'U' shaped. The shape of the valley will depend on the river's characteristics.

    In higher elevations where many river begin, the rivers are very fast flowing; these valleys will be your V-shaped with steep sides and narrow bottoms – no river banks.

    As the topography of the land levels off, the river flows less quickly. The slower river will erode the valley bottom and the valley will have your U-shape. The river will start to have a river bank and the steep slopes of the bank are becoming less and less steep.

    Finally as the river really slows down, the land around is flat, the river meanders back and forth. There is a wide bank and a large flood plain and very little if any valley.

    As you can see, it is the speed and volume of water that shapes the valley that houses the river.

    Here is an excellent site:

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