
What is a root canal?

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My doctor said that i needed a root canal because one of my tooth is dead, what is that and is it going to hurt?




  1. i think they pull you whole tooth out

    down to the Root

    and yeah it really hurts

  2. treatment on the roots of the dead tooth i think

    i think it may cause a bit of pain yes   :(

  3. It's where they go inside the tooth to clean out all the decay, nerve  etc..

  4. the nerve leading to the tooth is killed and it doesnt pain any longer as its a dead tooth

  5. I've had one before...once when i was 15. i'm 21 now.  they will drill down into your tooth and pull out the root....i guess it's a nerve you will never have pain where that tooth is again.  lol.  They numbed me up a lot and my tongue was numb and bottom lip.  3 hours later i tried to eat a tiny muffin....i couldn't feel it on my tongue and it just fell out of my mouth!!

  6. it is where they drill into your tooth farther then a cavity.. they have to get to the root of your tooth which is in your gums.. good luck best answer me please!!!!!

  7. i've heard they are very painful. but don't worry, the dentist will probably numb it out the best that he can before he works on it

  8. Thats when the dentist drills the heck out of your tooth to make a tiny canal where the nerve used to go. It means the nerve is so sensitive, yes it will hurt unless they knock you out.  I had one done, can't avoid it if you want to keep the tooth for something to chew with.  It is better than having it pulled and then you have other problems to deal with.

  9. idk

  10. its the the pointy part in the sub-part of a human tooth that is deep in the gums of the mouth. It will not hurt if you are bunged properly.

  11. They drill an opening in the tooth to the nerve hurts, they numb the area, pack down that nerve area and then fill it. It does hurt, but you won't die of the pain......

  12. yes this means the tooth is dead....and they will drill threw the tooth removing all dead tissue and nerve ending then fill it back in, and no it's not very pleasant.

  13. they bore into your gums because the germs have already eaten through the tooth and making their way down into the gums, like the alien blood on Alien 1

  14. a root canal is when a dentist goes into your mouth surgicaly then with the right tools drills a hole in your tooth so that your cavity wont least i think.,oh and it hurts bad my mom had 1 and she was crying.

  15. A root canal is a treatment used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or becomes infected. During a root canal procedure, the nerve and pulp are removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. Without treatment, the tissue surrounding the tooth will become infected and abscesses may form.

  16. Wow! So many bad answers!! Hang on a second...

    First and foremost, if your dentist is telling you that you need a root canal and you are not currently in pain... then the whole procedure will likely be completely painless. Root canals are only painful treatment when there is significant infection around the tooth. That infection neutralizes the anesthetic making it impossible to get the tooth completely numb. That's when you hear the horror stories of painful root canals. If your tooth has simply died and isn't massively infected then your treatment will be straight-forward and shouldn't result in much discomfort at all.

    A root canal is a procedure where the nerve of the tooth is removed. Take a look at this image and reference it for the description:

    The dentist will drill into the top of your tooth just as if he/she was doing a filling and expose the pulp chamber. That's as far as they drill. Then using specifically shaped, thin instruments he/she will pull the nerve and pulp materials out of the chamber and the canals running to the tips of the roots. This is not painful, but it does take a while to do so you'll sit kinda bored while your dentist does alot of small hand movements in your mouth. He/she will then flush out the chamber and canals to ensure they're are sterile. Once completely cleaned out, the canals are packed with a rubber like material to fill in the empty space. And that's it... your root canal is done. The dentist will put a filling in the top of your tooth and all you will see or notice is the filling like any other filling.

    Please don't let people scare you. Most root canals are no more painful than your average filling.

    Good luck!

  17. It is the treatment of canals present in the root of the tooth. Every tooth has two parts. One is crown and other is root. Root part is embedded in the bone. When the tooth gets decayed then the blood and the nerver supply of the tooth is degenerated. Dentist drill the tooth and opens canals of the root to remove the degenerated part. You can have complete information on Root Canal Treatment by visiting the following website

  18. They drill a hole in your tooth until they get to the root of it, then fill the hole up.

  19. here you go

    dont worry its gonna be okay =)

    "A root canal is a treatment used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or becomes infected. During a root canal procedure, the nerve and pulp are removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. Without treatment, the tissue surrounding the tooth will become infected and abscesses may form.

    "Root canal" is the term used to describe the natural cavity within the center of the tooth. The pulp or pulp chamber is the soft area within the root canal. The tooth's nerve lies within the root canal."

  20. its where they cut into your gums and cut out your tooths roots

  21. A root canal is needed once the root in your tooth has died

    the dentist will numb u and then remove the dead root then fill it with another material

    if you do not remove the dead root it will cause an infection and alot of pain

    a root canal in itself is not painful so do not be scared

  22. Its the little pointy thing on the bottom of your teeth. it hurts!!!

  23. A root canal is when you tooth is got so much decay it it all the way down to the roots, they drill out all the decay (you wont feel it they will numb you up) then they fill it with a filling material in order to keep your tooth so your other teeth dont move. If your whole tooth is dead then they normaly pull it b/c theres no saving it! when your having it done you wont feel anything, but you might be sore for a few days after so if you dont get any pain meds from the doc. i would ask for some just in case!

  24. Its exactly what it says 'Root Canal' the canal in your tooth where the nerve is. Its gonna hurt like h**l and theres no way around it. They actually drill the nerve out of your tooth, sure they give you novacaine but, that just numbs the outside, it can't get up inside the tooth, ask to be put asleep.  

  25. Okay, I just had my first one....

    1: Yes. It hurts like h**l, but the only thing that hurts is the numbing shot in your gums (they do this a few times).

    2: What happens is you sit on down in your chair, they give you like 3 numbing shots near your dead tooth, and let you sit there for like 15 minutes so it can start working. When the come back, they'll poke around in the hole in your tooth with a long metal needle thing (don't worry, you are numbed by this point, it wont hurt), and after that they spray some water in there to clean it out a bit. Then they bring out the big guns (not litterally of course lol). Its a drilling thing. They stick it up there and drill a bit and spray water, drill and spray, drill and spray, and this goes on for a while. The only way it really hurts is if you look at whats going on in the little mirror... it looks a lot worse than it is.

    3: After its over, the only bad thing is that your mouth is swollen, and if you try to drink anything, the drink just pours out of your mouth haha

    I hope this helps out. I know it sounds painful, but it actually isn't all that bad...

  26. Root canal treatment (also called a root canal) is done when decay will likely damage or has already killed a tooth. During a root canal, a dentist or endodontist removes the pulp from the center of a tooth and fills the pulp cavity. This can prevent the development of a painful infection in the pulp that may spread to other teeth. A root canal can also treat an infection that has developed into an abscessed tooth. This procedure can relieve toothache, stop infection, and promote healing

  27. they drill into your tooth to take out the nerve so you won't permantly loose that tooth. i don't know if it hurts or not, never had it done.
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