
What is a rudimentary book to read if you know nothing about Anthropology but want to learn the basics?

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I have a million questions but feel embarrased to ask. ( I must have slept through college. Slept Through, not slept my Way through!) Ha! Any suggestions what to read? Thank you.




  1. I highly recommend Ancient Traces, Its by Michael Baigent. He is also the author of The Omens of Babylon and co-author of The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail, The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, and more recently, The Elixir and the Stone. You can get it from your library. By the way, if you feel too embarrassed to ask on Q&As you are more than welcome to email yours truly. jingles.

  2. Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin...



    What Does It Mean to Be Human? Robert H. Lavenda and Emily A. Schultz

    This textbook offers a balanced view of the four fields and is entertainingly written, with references to case studies, etc.  

    Most texts tend to focus on one field or, at most two, to the virtual exclusion of the others.  But to clearly understand what anthropologists are about, you really need a balanced view.

    I have reviewed several college level anthro books over the years, and, right now, this is one of the better and more accessible ones available.  It's not an easy read, but its honest and worth the effort.

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