
What is a safe height to live above sea level?

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I have concerns regarding the rising water ie flooding. at the moment I live in an area of London thats 5m above sea level. I am looking for a new property and this is a concern of mine especially with the issues of climate change




  1. -9m  minimum

  2. sea level is not applicable you should be more concerned with flooding from rivers,there are several parts of the country which are prone to flooding with devastating results

  3. Ask the mayor of New Orleans. they rebuilding and putting houses about 5 feet up higher

  4. As long as you don't live in New Orleans where it's -12 feet below sea level you're okay.  On your side of the planet I'd stay away from holland.

  5. About 1.5 meters... on a boat!

  6. In London and the surrounding area you would need to be at least 8m above mean sea level and accounting for potential climate changes you would probably want to be 10m or more.

    From some of the comments posted so far it is evident that people don't understand the issues with which you are concerned and have simplistically given their usual rather weak responses to climate change.

    Flooding of London is officially recognised as having 3 major sources, tidal surge (caused largely by a climatic changes), glacial melting (caused largely by climatic changes) & river narrowing (drudging). One minor cause is also the fact that the south coast of England is sinking at a rate of 30cm every 100 years. River flooding is not the issue in London it is tidal inundation.

    The Thames Flood Barrier is designed to protect all property below 7.5m above mean sea level. It was designed to be used in the event of a tidal surge on a once in 100 year basis. It has now been raised 27 times since it's completion in 1982. Clearly London is already facing the effects of climate change and that is before we factor in the loss of more glaciers over the coming years.

    One contributor seems to believe that "The north is not a problem." Perhaps he could check an atlas and tell us which hemisphere Greenland is in and then also explain why the British Isles have suffered the two largest tidal surges in over 50 years in the past 6 months?

  7. At the moment sea level is rising about 0.2cm a year, so there's no rush.

    At a very rough estimate from what ive heard, the sea will probably rise 1-2m in 50 years. There again, if an ice age is triggered before then the sea level will dramatically fall again.

    You should be fine 5m above.

  8. The north is not a problem. Put a glass full of ice ,and then fill it with tea. Now watch closely ,how much ran out when the ice melted????

  9. I would move directly onto the water if I were you since Global Warming is the biggest hoax ever...

  10. As long as your head is above the water at most times you should be ok. If concerned always have a snorkel handy. If you're a midget best marry a 6ft tall blonde and if it's high tide she can give you a coal-carry. lol

  11. a safe height would be Yorkshire ,,,plenty of hills up here,,,well above sea level,GO  ON  DO IT YOU KNOW ITS A GOOD IDEA,

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