
What is a safe way to deter slugs from climbing into mu guinea pig's hutch at night?

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Obviously I need to use something which will not harm my guinea pigs!! Every damp night they climb into the hutch!!




  1. Dig a 2 foot deep moat around the hutch,layer it with feathers at the bottom and scoop the slugs out in the morning completely unharmed.

  2. they hate salt it kills them but they will still try and climb and the next morning there will be all dead and wrinkled up everywhere yuke.

  3. Bring your beloved piggies indoors, where they belong.

    Piggies are prey animals and as such, are pretty much defenseless. Their physiological makeup cannot tolerate high temperature swings in either direction, so a constant temperature of 21C-23C is required to keep them healthy and illness free.

  4. Get some small plates, or tops of mason jars etc:,

    and fill them up with beer, they love beer and will

    fall in and drown.

  5. also egg shells on the ground around the hutch

  6. Is your hutch on legs or flat on the ground?  If it is flat on the ground put it onto a table or something with legs.  Slugs hate salt so you can then sprinkle some salt around the legs of the table at night before you go to sleep.  You should be slug free in the morning.  If it is flat and you have nothing to put it onto you'll need to sprinikle salt all the way around it.  This is an inexpensive (and easy) solution.  It won't kill the slugs but they won't cross the salt barrier.  If you want to eliminate them you can set out small containers with beer in them.  For some reason they are attracted it and they will crawl in and drown.  The container has to be kind of low so they can crawl up it easily (Iike an ashtray).  Hope this helps (you and your guinea pig who is probably kind of insulted with his/her nightly visitors!

  7. Yes, salt will dry the slugs out and kill them, but it will also poison the ground. Slugs can't handle caffeine; try coffee grounds. If you or someone you know drinks coffee, ask if you can have the used coffee grounds. Sprinkle thickly around the base of the hutch and the slugs will start to crawl over them, absorbing the caffeine. If you don't like the thought of coffee grounds, you can use copper stripping (available at lawn and garden stores). It interacts with the slug's "slime" and deters them by giving a mild electric shock.

    Good luck and I hate slugs.

  8. Justified is very right, hutches are not safe for your guinea pig's health. They can very easily catch URIs in the fluctuating weather! They can also suffer from heat stroke or freeze to death if the temperature is not perfect, as it can be inside a regulated house. They are also subjected to being attacked by predators you wouldn't even imagine, such as cats, dogs, foxes, hawks, snakes, and more. It's not safe! You should definitely look into building them a C&C cage, which is safe, cheap, & easy to build/maintain.

  9. Sprinkle salt around the hutch...will kill the slugs.

    Or put a beer trap and they will drown.

  10. you could put salt around the hutch or as ive heard they dont like vaseline think they other thing was lemon juice

  11. salt definately

    i have to agree with eeny, my piggie is kept indoors so much safer for them but you can keep them in a shed or old wendy house or get them a nice hutch snug from a pet shop.

  12. i used to circle the hutch with salt and then over the wired part too.

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