
What is a school record?

by Praise  |  9 years, 3 month(s) ago

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What is a school record?

 Tags: record, school



  1. Praise

     A school record include an official record of student's grades, conduct and disciplinary history or a more general reference to a student's academic performance and extracurricular participation while in school. An academic transcript is one of the most commonly requested records, particularly for high school students who are applying for college. The records should be closed to the general public to protect students' privacy.

  2. Guest55793

     A school record include an official record of student's grades, conduct and disciplinary history or a more general reference to a student's academic performance and extracurricular participation while in school. An academic transcript is one of the most commonly requested records, particularly for high school students who are applying for college. The records should be closed to the general public to protect students' privacy.

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