
What is a sentence that, whenever you even think about it, always seems to make you laugh or smile?

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Mine would be:

"This one time, I found a t**d that was so big, it had a vein in it." - Rober Hamburger from "Real Ultimate Power, the Official Ninja Handbook"




  1. "If you can’t have babies your a man"

    "Whoa wait My wife had overian cancer and can’t have kids"

    "Then you should get an AIDs test cause your wife’s a dude, ******"

  2. It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.- Abraham Lincoln

  3. "Women will never be my equal until they grow balls."  That was certainly a doozy from a dipsh*t.

  4. from john and kate plus 8 (my guilty pleasure)

    one of the little boys was leaving and came upstairs to tell his sister goodbye and said this "i have to give you a hug and a kiss, so you don't cry!"

    promptly kissed and hugged his sister.

    god it was so cute.

  5. Pretty much any quote from the movie Roadhouse. The dialog is absolutely absurd, and hilarious.

    Dalton: Pain don't hurt.

    Jimmy: I used to **** guys like you in prison.

  6. General Jack Ripper, "Dr. Strangelove":

    "I do not avoid women, Mandrake...but I do deny them my essence."

  7. From Whose Line Is It Anyway?, "Greatest Hits":

    RYAN: "Hey, Col?"

    COLIN: "Yeah, Ry?"

    RYAN: "Which bird always says the name of our next band?"

    COLIN: "Oh, I don't know . . . a tern? An Arctic tern?"

    RYAN: "Well, what kind of sound does a tern make?"

    COLIN: (in a birdlike squawk) "Backstreet Boys?"

  8. lol@babayaga!!

    mine is "beauty is a french phonetic corruption..."

    i dunno why but it makes me smile.

  9. Nudge nudge, wink wink, know what I mean, say n'more!

  10. "You can't not have fun when you're wearing a tiara."

  11. “Sometimes life seems like a dream, especially when I look down and see that I forgot to put on my pants”

  12. "Life's bad enough without marriage."

    Both my aunt and uncle.

  13. Rebel man, that was actually taken out of the bible.

    Life is like a box of chocolates,  "forrest gump"

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