
What is a similar game to Apples to Apples?

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What is a similar game to Apples to Apples?




  1. I have to agree with Attribute.  More action.

    Super Showdown (by Cranium) is similar -- but you pick a character and an adjective to describe who would win a contest.  It's silly, fun, and quick.  You could even try Imaginiff, where you all vote on descriptions of the people playing the game (you might need thicker skin for this one...).

  2. It depends a great deal on what you're looking to replicate from Apples to Apples.  If you're looking for a close match, I'd say look into Attribute.  Social/interactive, word-based, and with a more competitive twist to it then A2A.

    If you're just looking for a fun, social group game, and are not concerned about the "word game" aspect of it, take a look at the following:

    Can't Stop: "Press Your Luck" style dice game.

    Cloud 9: Another "Press Your Luck" style game, card based.

    Werewolf: Based on the games "Mafia" and "Killers," requires at least 8 people to play.

    Wits & Wagers: A trivia game that you can win without out ever answering a question correctly.

    Quelf: More party game type, best for those groups that aren't easily embarrassed (requires singing, acting, etc in front of the group.

    Happy gaming!

  3. Balderdash



  4. Scattegories?

  5. It is somewhat similar it Cranium.

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