
What is a simple, effective, real world martial art?

by  |  earlier

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I'm terrified of physical confrontation and always seek some others means of resolving a dispute. Unfortunately, there have been times when I feel like I should have stood up for myself but I walked away. The shame of 'wimping' out has lasted longer than any bruise or cut would have.

I would like to be able to handle myself in the real world and be able to put up a good fight if necessary. I think a style that relies on simple principles would be good to learn, instead of something complex that would take years of study for me to become effective.




  1. Contact me directly via e-mail and we'll talk.If I think you can learn I'll teach you some basic self-defense moves and how to avoid the fight in general.

  2. how do you want to fight? if you want to go hard and fast: Muay Thai for their knees and elbows. Personally I prefer to restrain and control (it's fun watching some hard nut beg you to let him go) : traditional jujutsu, ninjutsu.   Or if you want to cripple them: Krav Maga

  3. If you want something brutal, cut and dried then do boxing, not that you will be able to build your body up enough in a short period of time but you might learn how to puch someone into a state of near death or death.  OR  If you want to defend yourself, learn self control and get fit and strong then Tae-Kwon-Do is my choice. It dosn't take long to pick it up and it strenghens your muscles and teaches you defend yourself 1st.  Look into it!

  4. I too felt like you...until....someone told me to carry a roll of pennies or nickles in which to put into my hand at the first sign of a sure to get the first and only punch and walk away after you've delivered the non-confrontational reply.

    Good luck.

  5. the best defence is not to be there.  You're not a wimp for avoiding a fight, you are a hero for overcoming testosterone with your mind and heart.  The battle to win is the battle within.  Use your mind and heart to avoid time-wasting conflicts and enjoy life for it is short to waste on trivialities!

  6. you know people who always want to fight , will see on your face that you're scary (because you are) and they will pick you out. So you need to fix your attitude, how?  join i muay thai , kickbox , jujitsu, judo , boxing club ect.. some powerlifting can help to for more confidence.

  7. ok man i think i know what ur going trough. so its a good idea to learn karate. i know its going to take some time but all sports required time. u cant just expect to start learning on ur first day....

    u could also hire a mexican to kick his *** for works and its fast. u can order the shanking

  8. bascially, theirs no real answer, the progression from a novis to a good fighter depends on a few factors, 1 most important-4 least important.

    1. Genetics

    2. Your Dedication (amount of effort you put in)

    3. Your Teacher

    4. How much sparring and the intensity of the sparring.

    Notice no style is included,

    A truley good fighter will take a style and add it to his own brilliance.

    And trust me their is somthing to take from every style!

    So find a style stick with it, try your hardest, and if you see no progress after alot of effort then find another style or teacher.

  9. Wrestling


  10. You do not need to take martial arts! You are already doing the right thing because you "always seek some other means of resolving a dispute". This is what you should do, this is the martial arts way. Do not take martial arts for a quick fix of your fears. If you simply need to calm your fears by defending against physical danger, take a self defence class- like Bobby Hill -"Let go of my purse. I don't know you."

  11. I know this one, I'm bruce Lee. Promise you won't regret to take Taekwondo lesson. You will gain lots of confidence in many ways.

  12. kickboxing, effective and none of the spiritual bull****

  13. You shouldn't be terrified but i can understand a lot of people are. I don't think a martial art would be good, you should just stick up for yourself, when i got in a fight with a stranger over my phone, thats when i discovered my own strength (because i got away) there is no need to be scared of anyone as everyone has their own unique strengths. Just hang in there, and don't feel bad if your way of fighting is by walking away, it is quite a big statement if you think about it, by having the courage to walk away and risking the fact you could get a bad rep for it.

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