
What is a simple harmless spell to practice magic with?

by  |  earlier

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be serious and no jokes




  1. First of all, spells are no joking matter. No one should attempt them if you do not understand how they work and what all of the consequences can be. This is a spell that people studying Wicca start out with.It helps to draw love and kindness to yourself:

    Sit before your altar, take three full breaths. Say in your mind:

    I am protected and safe.

    I am free from fear and danger.

    I am loved and I am loving.

    I am pleased and content.

    I am happy in my mind.

    I am happy in my body.

    My life unfolds smoothly and with ease.

    I awaken to my higher nature.

    Repeat this Meta for your spiritual teacher, each of your parents, your mate, your children, your friends, your enemies, all the people in the world, all the animals in the world. This meditation does wonders for healing bad feelings and gives the meditator a feeling of inner peace.

  2. If you're looking into wicca, I'd say nothing. Everything has it's causes and effects, and fate makes those hard to predict. Remember the rule of three - one never knows exactly how your effects will play out, and it's not just for harm. You could even be taking the most lighthearted sentiments you have and acting on them, and something averse could come about as a result. And not just to yourself. It's what the rule of three warns against, just in a short, commandment like statement.

    I can understand the want to do something finite like you do, and feel like you can help wield something greater than yourself, but there are also other ways you could go about it. This avenue is questionable for even the most able witches, and most often, the most able witches don't bother with such overt thoughts and practices in the first place. Not to chastise you, love, I'm just being frank with you. You probably want something reliable that shows results and makes you feel more than just another person, correct? Anything from martial arts to crystal healing can present you with such opportunity.

    Stay safe and happy -


  3. You asked for me to be serious and no jokes. I will be honest. There is no such thing as magic, and no such thing as spells.

  4. It would probably be enchanting things.  All you have to do is have something you want to enchant, jewlery works best from my experience.  Than you get a physical representation of the element you want to use and put the thing you are enchanting beside it.  Focus on clearing all negative energy from your element, object to be enchanted, you and your surroundings.  After that put one hand over the element and one over the object while focusing on putting the energy of the element into the object.  This might take a bit of practice to get it right, but when you get it right it should last for a few days.

    Earth represents north, material things, money, health, strength, endurance, stability, power, food, fertility, agriculture the home and its colors are green and brown.

    Air represents east, magickal studies, intellect, education, persuasion, psychic abilities, divination, speed and its corresponding color is yellow.

    Fire represents south, power, energy, vitality, emotions, s*x, attraction, banishings, conflict, anger, protection, law, strength, good health and its corresponding colors are red and orange.

    Water represents west, love, friendship, unions of all kinds, beauty, affection, meditation, sleep, clairvoyance, psychism, tranquility, children and its corresponding color is blue.

  5. Every wiccan that's going to answer your question will tell you you are a 13 yr old immature wannabe-harry potter and doesn't know anything about magic, thinking magic is just fireballs and lightning bolts. You watch too much TV or read too much harry potter...~_~. Practice magic? your using that phrase in the wrong context. If you really know what magic is, you will should know that real magic or real spells are exactly, and i mean exactly like prayers!  they are just more involved, with herbs and crystals and such. Please please research on what real witchcraft or even magic is, i hate having to answer to people like this....

    your exactly the kind of people who think every odd coincidence is caused by their "magic powers" that they see on TV ~_~....

  6. By your very question itself, it proves you aren't mature enough to mess with metaphysical powers you know nothing about. The whole law of "magic" states what you do comes back times 3, so there is no such thing as a simple harmless spell to practice with. However, magic as you refer to it doesn't exist, watch chris angel if you want to do tricks, he shows how he does some for beginners.

    Now, if you're looking into studying wicca or another "magical" religion, you should know that spells take a lot of work, belief, and preparation, and can take years to manifest. Again, there are no simple spells to practice. You can't bring yourself that one guy you have a crush on, or tons of money. But you can learn to love yourself and therefore bring love into your life, or work a confidence spell to help you get a new and better paying job, which in turn will bring you more money eventually.

    Good luck.

    Ever mind the rule of three, what thou does comes back to thee.

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