
What is a simple reflex arc? what is the purpose of reflexes?thedifference b/n an innate & an acquired reflex?

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give some example for each




  1. Simple reflex arcs are in place to protect your body from dangerous situations

    a simple reflex arc is a reflex that goes from the sensory neuron straight to a motor neuron bypassing the brain.

    an innate reflex action is one which you are born with and example of this is when a baby has a bottle or equivalent instrument placed in their mouth the sucking reflex action occurs. this is because a baby is born with the need to have food and any food is good this is the reason for an innate reflex

    one that is vital for survival

    an acquired reflex is developed over time and can help the body defend itself form harm.

    an example of this can be as simple as riding a bike we learn reflex arcs to assist in balance and speed and protect from harm

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