
What is a social-path?

by Guest33664  |  earlier

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What is a social-path?




  1. A sociopath is someone with a personality disorder.  This disorder includes extreme antisocial attitudes and also behavior.  These individuals exhibit a lack of conscience or have little or no respect for the laws and customs of society.

  2. I think you mean sociopath.

    It's basically someone who refuses to respect the rights of others, and won't behave in a way that's socially acceptable.

  3. sociopaths have no consciense they dont careabout other people feelings and find it intriuging to dump acid on lizards and watch there skin melt, etc. they like other peoples pain

  4. sociopath, not social-path

  5. Basically someone who has no empathy, no conscience, and no fear of God's judgment.  Doesn't mean they automatically go around killing other people or scamming them.  But they wouldn't feel bad if they did.  Prisons are full of dumb sociopaths, politics and country-clubs are full of smart sociopaths.
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