
What is a soul shredder in snowboarding. Like there are jibbers, competitors, backcountry riders.?

by Guest55947  |  earlier

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So what are soul shredders?




  1. Amen Mike!

    Let me put my own twist on it.

    A soul shredder is the snowboarder who rides just to ride.  He or she doesn;t care about competitions, sponsorships or the latest gear, or even if the gear matches.  They are the purest form of snowboarders.

  2. They are riders that aren't caught up in all the seen of snowboarding. They don't classify them selfs as anything. you see and hear about all these kids trying to be sponsored or have the best looking set up. The face is, it has nothing to do with that. It has to do with being in the mountains with friends enjoying the snow. Its about the soul of the sport and where it all started. A bunch of guys that were told they couldn't ride on snow sideways. Now look at it. Soul Shredders are the old souls  of the snowboard world. They remember when, or at least in spirit, what it was like before the X-games, red bull and when BURTON was still Jake making boards in his garage.

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