
What is a spirit?

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i often feel them arounnd me




  1. A spirit is another name for a liquid with alcohol in it. What you are refering to is a product of your imagination. Please join us in the current century.

  2. The animating or vital principle in man (and animals);

      that which gives life to the physical organism, in contrast to its purely material elements; the breath of life. In some examples with implication of other senses. In contexts relating to temporary separation of the immaterial from the material part of man's being, or to perception of a purely intellectual character. Incorporeal or immaterial being, as opposed to body or matter; being or intelligence conceived as distinct from, or independent of, anything physical or material.  The disembodied soul of a (deceased) person, regarded as a separate entity.  A supernatural, incorporeal, rational being or personality,usually regarded as imperceptible at ordinary times to the human senses, but capable of becoming visible at pleasure,and freq. conceived as troublesome, terrifying, or hostile to mankind.

    The Spirit of the Body=The spirit, understood as the animation of man, is itself a powerful medium. It is that which allows one man a life and also, relations among men. It contains the being, or the essence, of a person and therefore, also functions as the energy of man, that which allows him to be recognized as distinct and alive. It is the medium separating the living from the dead. And in this role, it is filled with great power and even great danger.  Life begins with animation. When man speaks and moves, he is considered alive, and a spirit or animating force, is essential to that life.

    The Spirit of the World Beyond Reality=

    Spirits in this realm take on a more occult meaning; ghosts, shades, phantasms, spooks- the reminder on earth that there is life beyond life.

  3. do you mean anything supernatural? I have never felt the same. Don't talk to a psychiatrist - he will tell that you are mental. You are not. Maybe aliens are trying to communicate wit the earth and you are being able to sense their high frequency informations..

  4. Defferent people will have a different definition, but simply a spirit is a person without a body aka ghost. Some spirits have never chosen to be human, but are what some religions call angels. spirit are simply invisible beings that help and watch over us.


  5. breath

  6. It is an alcoholic drink, such as a distilled liquor.

    If you're referring to ghosts, they don't exist.

  7. I think its the soul of a departed persn that hasnt found the light to travel to the next dimension

  8. The English word "spirit" comes from the Latin "spiritus" ("breath").

  9. Often, it's another name for a ghost... but

    According to,

    A spirit is the soul of a once living person.  Spirits can come back to visit the living.  Spirits are all around us, and at times, may make themselves known, leaving subtle hints for the person receiving the visit.  Spirits can be a type of guardian as well, since they are always watching over us and in times of trouble, will protect us.  Spirits differ from ghosts in the aspect that ghosts don’t know that they are dead, and continue on as if they were still living.  Spirits often know that they have died, but some refuse to cross over completely for various reasons. Sometimes it is because they are trying to get a final message to someone, and will remain Earthbound until the message is conveyed to whom it is meant for.

  10. A spirit is many things:

    Could be an angel, or a being, or just some energy...

    could be the consciousness of something, like Air.

    Could be something unfriendly, like a demon,

    Could be a spirit guide or a protector;

    But without more detail, how can anyone know which?

    And check that out- I ended every line with a different punctuation mark!

  11. An incorporeal but ubiquitous, non-quantifiable, substance or energy present individually in all living things. Unlike the concept of human souls, which is believed to be eternal and preexisting, a spirit develops and grows as an integral aspect of the living being. This concept of the individual spirit is common among traditional peoples. It is therefore important to note the distinction between this concept of spirit and that of the pre-existing or eternal soul because belief in souls is specific and far less common, particularly in traditional societies.

    The English word "spirit" comes from the Latin spiritus, meaning "breath" , but also "soul".

    The distinction between soul and spirit became current in Judeo-Christian terminology.

  12. Spirit is derived from the latin word, "spiritus" which means "breath".

    In most cases are described as souls who are still living in earth & have done certain wrong deeds for which they are unable to go to h**l or heaven. Spirit can also be helpful in some cases or maybe your loved ones or your relatives who want to stay in earth with you & someone who constantly remembers you even after being dead.

    Feeling spirits around oneself has equal number of advantages & disadvantages as it maybe of your enemy as well as your relatives.
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