
What is a squall line?

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What is a squall line?




  1. Please see the link below

  2. An organized line of thunderstorms or other storms that produce precipitation. The wind typically kicks up noticeably as these advance through an area.

  3. On a weather map it would be the LINE marking the front between two weather patterns. One a Barometric low and the other a barometric high.

  4. An indicator that the good fishing is about to be over.

  5. A squall line is a line of thunderstorms that is generated from the same lifting mechanisms. These may include a cold front, dryline, outflow boundary or a gravity wave. They tend to form in areas where the best instability, lift and moisture is available. A squall line sustains itself by the outflow boundaries it produces. Outflow boundaries form as a result of rain-cooled air being rushed down to the surface and spreading out in all directions. They act as "mini-cold fronts". Throughout the squall lines' lifetime, parts of the line may die out while new cells are formed. They are known to produce very strong straight-line winds. Tornadoes and large hail are not as common though with squall lines.
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