
What is a stereotypical view of Scotland where you're from?

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just curious.




  1. everyone wears kilts, has orange hair, and golfs

  2. The men are al farmers, wear kilts, and drink and fight every day.

    I think scotland is just a lot of farmland and hills,

  3. Everyone wears green.   There are castles and trees everywhere.

  4. the men wear dresses and they are always drunk and fighting English Tourists

  5. Every man has a kilt on with a hat in matching color and they have accents. Oh and bag pipes.


  6. Great accents

  7. It's rocky, cold, and you're never more than 100 meters from the seashore, which is always gray and choppy.  Nobody lives there, and nobody can understand a word of what the Scottish say.

  8. The men like to drink and throw darts.  Great accents.  They love to swim but have to swim indoors.  Scotland does have the greatest, most difficult, golf courses in the world.  I would love to visit Scotland.

  9. Here are stereotypical views of Scotland:

    - Most people live on farms and in hills.

    - It is always raining.

    - Men wear skirts (kilts).

    - Everyone plays the Bagpipes.

    - People are always drunk and are loud.

    - Everyone has these accents that nobody understands what they are saying.

    However none of these are true. Scotland is a lovely country, there are lots of city and countryside to visit so you get the best of both worlds. To clear it up - Bagpipes are only used on special occasions and there is not a great deal of people who can play them. Men sometimes wear kilts if they want to but usually for special occasions.

    People get drunk everywhere and there is not that many who do. As for the accent, it depends where you are from because some people do have very strong accents which make it difficult to understand. You could find that anywhere you go, I sometimes find it difficult.

    As for the weather, there are four seasons - summer, winter, spring and autumn. There is snow, grey skies, sunshine, rain and hail. A mixture of everything.

    Hope this helps you.  :-)

  10. greenery and golf, of course.

  11. Burly men with s**y accents.  Ala Gerard Butler.  

  12. From England

    Jam, roast taties and pheasant

    my aunties and uncles are all in scotland, its really nice there

    they do like their whisky and traditional dress (kilts) are only for ceremonial uses e.g. weddings and funerals they DO NOT walk around town in Kilts

    it can be heavily wooded in places BUT THERE ARE CITIES, they arenot all farmers, and their population does not have an unusal amount of gingers. Poeple play golf everywhere and English Football hooligans can be as bad as scottish ones

  13. Hard to say, as I & most of my friends have only ever met three who were not tourists. (I suppose the reality is that Ireland attracts some UK tourists who want to binge on booze, but that doesn't characterise those who visit & go home - who have lives : )

    OK, having said that, the Scottish visitors we usually, briefly, meet are over to support their team, or celebrating a win. They generally have a good sense of humour, are broad-minded, bright, & interested in many topics of conversation, and can hold their drink without behaving obnoxiously, or threateningly. To be honest, they are usually seen as welcome visitors, so unlike those who are too shy to converse until they are drunk & then are best avoided.  

    The same goes for those I've worked with. Except one, who was constantly looking for a row, and who never did much about anything except to rant & drink too much. Harmless, though. I suppose it's a post-colonial legacy that some will, but I have the strong impression that most Scottish people are very sociable, and not at all anti-social & alienated.

    The only thing I would generalise on is that we do have trouble understanding some words - either in the Gaelic or English, as Scottish people pronounce them very differently from us. But the impression I have is of a mainly much colder climate, & often a difficult rural life but a good community & family spirit, and a sociable nature.

  14. I dont view people according to stereotypes.

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