
What is a stiletto switchblade??

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Why is it called 'stiletto' and what do they look like? Are they legal?




  1. Two different things that may be combined. A switchblade is, of course, any knife that opens automatically when a button is pushed, causing it to either unfold or the blade to extend forward out of the handle. A "stilletto" is a two-edged knife, also called a dirk or dagger. Both are frequently illegal to carry, depending on the state.

  2. It's a knife. It's called a stiletto because it's Italian.They look like a knife and no they are not legal.

  3. This is a classic stiletto. Note the silvery button on the side. A stiletto is spring loaded and will open on a push of the button. It is not legal in my country, but I have no idea what country you are from, so I can not answer that part of your question.

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