
What is a suitable laptop for me?

by  |  earlier

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Details: I'm going into 8th grade and I want a laptop to do work and play.

Needs: Programs such as Word and Powerpoint. (I realize I would need to download such things.) Internet connection is also a "must have". Anything that involves school work.

Would Likes: A built in webcam. (Amount of mega pixals aren't a must have type of thing.)

Optional/Probably won't buy if it doesn't have this: An AIM instant messaging system. (I also realize that I would need to download this if it's not an Apple/Mac computer.)

Remember, I'm not made of money in 8th grade, so it MUST be affordable. Ahough not cheap, it much be at least $500.00.

Thank you so much for your help!




  1. I would recommend an Acer Aspire, because it has a built in webcam, many are around the preferred $500 range, and they are fast and reliable.

  2. If you are looking for a price around that range go to BJ's or Costco although a more expensive computer from apple or dell would probably get you more use out of it

  3. from everything ur saying get a mac  

  4. Peanut butter htm.lollipop

  5. asus eee pc :D

    you got buy it online though and its about 300

    small and portable, light

  6. Go to the apple store and get a mac...they will help you find the right one and are super friendly!!!

  7. i have the toshiba laptop and it works great

    and it costs less then $500

    answer mine please;...

  8. the macbook air. im in 8th grade right now and i have one. sometimes i bring it to starbucks with some friends and everybody just crowds around it and tells me how thin it is!!

  9. toshiba tecra a9

  10. Acer. it's cheap and has 95% of the items above.

  11. My best friend has a blue gateway its nice. it has a webcam to and its around 500.00

  12. i think that the sony vaio is a good laptop or the HP pavilion or if you want the macbook air but i would go with the sony.

  13. get a windows vista

  14. yea um u dont need a laptop if ur going to 8th grade and with that budget. u just need a regular desktop

  15. go to best buy they have hp laptops for 500.00 or lease!!

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