
What is a swell period?

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I am not sure about what a swell period is for surfing. Can someone tell me what it is and how it affects the waves?




  1. The swell period is the peak period of the swell energy in seconds. If there are multiple swells at a specific location, then the peak period of the dominant swell is used. This is the time between successive wave crests as they pass a stationary point on the ocean surface, such as a buoy. Some surf forecasting sights provide the swell period for the specific break, or you can find it based on the closest buoy. Buoy's can be found at

  2. the swell period is the ammount of time between waves in a set.  it is usually measured in the amount of seconds between the peaks of the wave.  a longer swell period usually shows a more powerful wave.  it will also get a larger face then a wave of similar height with a shorter period.  for example depending on the bottom a 5 ft swell with a 13 second period may actually jack up and have a 12 foot face when it hits a reef or sand bar.  on the other hand a 7 ft swell with a 8 second period will be smaller even though the original swell is larger.  it will also be a weaker wave since there is less water being pushed along by the energy in the water.

  3. Here ya go:

  4. You have wind swell, then ground swell. Best bet for good waves is a good deep ground swell that is produced by a far off low pressure, ie hurricane, typhoon, possible earthquake. Wind swells are ok but tend to be choppy and miserable, most swells can last 3-5 days, best to check out for more info.....................Stay wet.

  5. It is a window that forecasters have set up for the best chance of good waves.

  6. when a swell hits it pretty much means there is going to be good waves. but they dont last long


    Swell period is basically the period of TIME bteween wave crestes (time, not distance). It has nothing to do with wave forecasting. RobinsMV may be an easier explanation, but check the links above anyhow, they are pretty good.

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