
What is a teen issue?

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I need a teen issue Please help me




  1. Dealing with difficult parents:

    Controlling parents: "I can't trust you, so all I can do is try to control you and monitor whatever you do";

    Submissive parents: "I can't trust you and can't control you, so all I can do is suffer you and live with all the crazy stuff you do";

    Rescuing parents: "I can't trust you, so all I can do is try to salvage what I can from the damage  that's been done to you, me";

    Rejecting parents: "I can't trust you, so all I can do is withdraw all my support, go away".

    Teenager rebellion, anxiety about growing up, finding your identity, learning the skills to deal with people including oneself, dealing with group pressures and sibling rivalry,  dealing with joy, happiness and sexuality in an oppressive society that is withholding adequate information, skill training and room for experimentation.

    The list of teen issues is endless.

    Check what people mean with the words "teen issue".

    In what way is it an issue or a problem for whom? When people talk about issues and problems, they often hide their values. You may not share those implicit values.

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