
What is a test tube baby?

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I asked a question about having a boy and a girl and someone answered me saying the only way you can choose your gender is if you get a test tube baby.

What is that?

(I dont plan on getting it Im just curious what it is.)




  1. It is an old-fashioned term to describe children conceived through IVF.

    In IVF, they take the woman's eggs and the man's sperm and fertilize them in a lab (which is why they call it test tube babies) . . . although it is "possible" to gender select by testing the sperm, it is very rarely done . . . usually performed if there is a hereditary genetic disease that needs to be avoided therefore you need to have a girl or boy.

    Good luck!

  2. Invitro fertilization, means that fertilization take splace out side the mother's body. They put the egg and the sperm in a glass TUBE and that's were everything happens, then by the 3rd day they insert the embryo back to the mother and that's it. you have a invitro baby!!!

    About the boy and the girl, that 's Gender Selection and it's actually pretty cool, they put some kind of Ink, if you want to call it that way (its a quemical really) and the Y sperms appeared, let say blue or aqua and the X appera pink and that way if you want a boy well they take the boy sperms they analyze them to see which ones are the best and they inplant those sperms into the mother so they can fertilize the egg, or they can also do it invitro. I hope this info helps.

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