
What is a the difference between Squire and Fender guitars?

by Guest66390  |  earlier

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What is the difference, because I can't tell the difference.




  1. Squier guitars are usually made overseas of considerably cheaper material; essentially just value versions of Fenders. This makes Squier a more desirable guitar for a rookie player, whereas Fenders are more expensive and quality-oriented.

  2. squire is a sub-company if you will, of fender

    a squire is essentially a more economic fender, obv the quality is cheaper too, but same company basically

  3. It is essentially the difference between a Gucci bag, and one you can buy in the Bronx for 5 bucks.  Sound quality, build quality, where it's made, how much it costs, etc.  If you're a beginner guitarist, go for the Squire because it's more economical. After you've been playing for a while, the difference is very noticeable.

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