
What is a tomboy, and tomgirl?

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is it good to be a tomgirl, cuz i think i am one




  1. always want to ware shosts shirts, and athletic

  2. No A tomBOY is a GIRL who is sporty

    A tomGIRL is a guy that is more than likely g*y.

  3. Yeah

  4. I was a tomboy when I was younger. Well, still am a bit.

    I don't think its good or bad. Its just you being you. Enjoy it. Be yourself and don't let anyone change you if you're happy with yourself.

    Never heard of tomgirl before, but I'm guessing it probably means the same thing.

  5. A Tomboy is somebody who would rather play basketball than put on fix their hair for a half hour. A sporty person.

  6. Yes. a tom girl means a girl who is sporty!

  7. a tomboy is a girl who acts very sporty, likes to be around guys and get alone with guys...and a tom i would say is a guy who is the oppisite of a tomboy...acts like a girl, is better friends with girls ect.

  8. tomgirl is the same as a girly-girl who likes make-up and jewlery

    a tomboy is considered a girl who acts and dresses as if she is a boy. likes to play with toy cars.

    yes if you are a girl it is good to be a girly girl or a tomgirl.

    i hope i have helped you out

  9. it's totally awesome being a tom girl! admire yourself with PRIDE!

  10. Tomboy is a term that refers to a girl who behaves according to the gender role of a boy. This social phenomenon typically manifests itself through some of these characteristics:

        * The wearing of typically masculine-oriented types of clothes.

        * The practice of games and activities (often physical in nature) that are typically considered to be the domain of boys.

        * The preference to befriend boys rather than other girls.

  11. tomboy-a GIRL who acts like a boy(not g*y though)

    tomgirl-a BOY who is g*y

  12. Um, i never heard of a tomgirl but i have heard of a tomboy. Which is a girl who dresses and/or acts like a boy. some guys like it but be careful they might treat you like one of the guys and not want to date you because they cant see you as a girl.

  13. i have never heard of a tomgirl but a tomboy is a girl who is in to sports and stuff

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