
What is a topic that people disagree on?

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What is a topic that people disagree on?




  1. Abortion

    Death Penalty

    Anything really...

  2. Well politics and religion are usually the top two that people say to avoid talking about for that reason.  Education is a big topic, such as whether to home school, private vs. public school, school choice.  The definition of marriage is a hot topic currently.

  3. legalizing marijuana

  4. polotics


    g*y marriage

  5. Wii, Xbox 360, or PS 3

  6. Abortion, drinking age, what Americans should do about their war, religion (big one), anything with a moral base, what flavour ice cream  is best

  7. g*y rights is among the many.

    Here's a link to a debate article on g*y adoption rights:

  8. what happens after death

  9. g*y marriage. abortion. condoms. drinking age. war.

    in this day and age, you should be asking what DONT people disagree on?  

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