
What is a troll?

by  |  earlier

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sorry this is a stupid question but i really dont know...what is a troll? i see it sometimes is answers to questions when the person asks a question that really hits a senstive issue...




  1. someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

  2. there are a lot of people on here that for whatever reason will make up fake questions for the sole purpose of getting an emotional reaction out of someone. For example a few weeks ago some girl posted a question saying she was in labor and didn't know what to do but as soon as people started telling her to get to the hospital she added to her question that she doesn't have neighbors for 10 miles and her husband is in Iraq ,she doesn't have a car, and her telephone doesn't work... so basically everyone knew she was lying..

  3. A troll is a mythical creature....That is what a troll really is but on here someone of course had to come up with the most dumbest word to call someone
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