
What is a true friend like?

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I feel like I'm being neglected by all of my friends this summer. :[

My best friend since 8th grade: spending all this time with her boyfriend. we are not the same anymore. she likes to drink, have s*x, smoke hookah, and whenever she asks what i'm doing, and i'm doing something else, she'll just end the convo. like she doesn't want to talk if i'm not going to hang out with her.

Other best friend: also spending time with her boyfriend. doesn't even make an effort to hang out anymore. has s*x now.

Ex-boyfriend: i had to dump him because of personal reasons.

other guy friend: moved 20 mins away. seems like he only wants to hang out when he "Wants" something.

what can i do to get out of this situaiton? =[ i feel like i'm being neglected by many. the ones im not being negl. by, they're usually busy with their sports.

i don't even care to be alone, i like it, but, i can't believe my friends are dissapearing now. i'm 16.




  1. Try to make new friends and make friends who will help u in ur needs.

    If u want a true friend first make friendship and be true with ur friend always, share ur emotions with him and always be ready to help him.

  2. U just advice them

  3. This is how it is...a good friend will always be there for you. They will support you decisions no matter what. I your friend wants you to do things that are not right...than that is not a good seems that they only want you around if you are doing the same things they are doing. And that's not cool.

    If you have to...ditch them...ay they may say that you are not a good friend b/c you went your own way...but it was never really you in the first place.

    I'm glad that you are not following what they are doing...because it's better to be safe...than sorry. Good Luck!

  4. Maybe they were not your friends from the start. Because real (friends) are real forever. Just because they have a boyfriend and give him all their attention, when that ends, they will start to call you again. That is not a friend. A friend stand with you, they don't let no one ( especially a man) come before their friendship of someone special (like yourself). So don't worry you will find a true friend and you will know that person is a true friend when you meet them. Friends are special, you are there for each other, do things together, listen when no one else will listen, trust each other. They don't realize what a special friend you are. Drinking, smoking and whatever else they do, sometimes hold people back from a good start in life. Do not let anyone or anything hold you back (especally) a boyfriend.

    Remember you have friends here at yahoo, who cares and will give good advice, So    BE Good

  5. hang in there, you'll meet some new people.

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