
What is a typical daily menu for your one year old?

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I'm just looking for some new ideas. I know people always say to feed them whatever you're having, but my husband doesn't eat breakfast and isn't home for lunch. I eat stuff that he can't have for breakfast (protein breakfast bar) and don't really eat an official lunch (I kinda just snack on fruits and veggies throughout the day). He's usually hungry for dinner around 4 or 5 and we don't eat until 6, so I have to feed him seperately for that too (he does sit w/ us at the dinner table though). Anyway, just curious to hear what you're doing.




  1. 7.00 or 7.30 has a bottle

    8.30 has breakfast like baby cereal and bit of toast

    lunch about 12.30 or 1 he has banana and bread or scrambled eggs,yogurt and a drink

    and has dinner at 5 usually whatever we are having maybe you could give him a snack and a bottle at 3 which would keep him going till 6

  2. A typical day for my son is

    Breakfast:  french toast, cut up (no syrup) or cherrios and bananas

    Lunch:  cut up whole wheat bread, cut up cheese,  cut up turkey breast, carrots and peaches or pears

    Dinner:  Whatever we are eating for dinner.

    I give him one of the Gerber graduates snacks before dinner because my son is hungry right around 4 and we eat at 6.

    Good luck.  Hope that helps.

  3. Great question!  We're always looking for new ideas, too.

    Breakfast: eggs, yogurt, applesauce, cereal, oatmeal, bacon, ham, sausage, hashbrowns, pancakes.

    Lunch/Supper: Meat or fish (stew, fried, baked, etc.), rice/mashed potatoes, steamed veggies, salad.  Or pasta or rice fried with meat and veggies.


    -pasta with those creamy sauces that come as powder and you just add water and butter, with some fried sausage or shrimps thrown in

    -instant creamy-sauce pasta in a package

    -chicken fingers or fish cakes with fries

  4. I'll copy and paste our schedule:

    8:30 pm  - 7:00 amSleep

    7:15  7oz  Milk bottle

    9:30 Breakfast and Drink

    (3oz juice + 2 oz water)

    12:30Lunch and Drink

    (3oz juice + 2 oz water)

    1:00 - 2:30 Nap

    3:00 Snack and/or 6 oz of Milk

    5:30 Dinner  and Drink

    (3 oz juice + 2 oz water)

    6:30 Bath (every other day)

    7:30 7 oz  bottle of Milk

    Total Beverages: approx: 20 oz milk

    10 oz Juice and 6 oz water

    Sleep:  11 - 13 hours.   Nap times still fluctuating but bed time consistent.  Rarely wakes during night.

    FOOD/Grocery list


    Oatmeal mixed w/ ¼ cup drained diced pears or bananas,

    Organic yogurt with fresh diced  bananas or strawberries

    Whole wheat waffle or pancake w/ ¼ cup fruit (diced pears ,peaches, strawberries, or watermelon)

    Cheerios/ w/ fruit

    Lunch or Dinner ideas:

    Whole what toast w/  low sodium turkey and cheese, goldfish crackers, and or fruit

    Mac n cheese w/ spinach or peas

    Carrot or spinach ravioli w/ peas or diced green beans

    Spaghetti and meatballs or chicken parmesian

    Chicken nuggets or popcorn chicken  w/ veggies

    Homemade low sodium chicken soup w/ biscuit

    Cheeseburger with bread

    Turkey, potatoes, and vegetable (peas, carrots, green beans) (NOT broccoli or cauliflower)

    Snack ideas: Popscicle, goldfish crackers, jello, applesauce, grahm crackers, fig newton, fruit, puffs, cheerios,  graduate breakfast bars

    Beverages: Pear juice, Apple -Grape Blend, Diluted OJ, Whole fat Organic Milk,

  5. Here is a daily menu for everyone from 8 months on. Breakfast 2 days a week is cold cereal with milk in it and a glass of juice, 3 days a week we have a hot breakfast, waffles, pancakes, French toast, bagels, toast, eggs, English muffin, etc... and a glass of milk. Lunches are different each day here are some things we eat, PBJ sandwich, veggies, fruit, milk - Hot dogs, veggies, fruit, milk - spaghetti, veggies, fruit, milk. We then have a snack around 3pm so that the children can hold off to eat their supper with the family. Suppers are eaten with their parents and they eat with their parents at this age.

  6. 7:30 - breakfast : cereal, fruit, yogurt

    9:00 - morning snack - toast(or bagel, muffin, cereal) fresh fruit, milk

    12:00 - lunch - varies daily....pasta, sandwich, meat and rice.

    veggies and fruit

    2:30 - afternoon snack - cereal mix, digestives, friut, waffle, cheese and crackers, hummus and pita

    6:00 - supper - meat and potatoes, veggies, pasta, rice

    7:30 - bedtime snack - yogurt, crackers, apples, cheese

  7. I know how you feel.. I always try to find something new for babe to eat..

    breakfast- scrambled eggs,boiled eggs, whole wheat toast,cheerios in milk, oatmeal, yogurt, applesauce,pancakes,,

    dinner-grill cheese made with real cheese not slices and "no salt" butter,chicken breast slices(you can buy them prepacked) beans, apples slices,melon slices,fish sticks, chicken nuggets( you can make your own with bread crumbs and an egg and chicken breast pieces and pre make them and freeze them)

    supper-same thing as dinner

    snacks-all types of fruit, veggies,rice cakes, fish crackers,cheerios,dried fruits, cereal bar(breakfast too)

    (mac and cheese is not good for a child-the sodium intake for just 1 serving is crazy)

    Hope this helps ♥

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