
What is a typical day for volleyball tryouts?

by Guest45497  |  earlier

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as in what does ur coach make u do?




  1. bump, set, positions, serving, and run. Bumping is pne of the basics and most important. If you can't bump, you may not make the team. Setting is not too hard, but you really have to consentrate on where you are putting the ball. Most likely for bumping and setting drills you will be in a line and the coach will toss you the ball and you have to bump or set it back to them. For possitions, the coach may just teach you each position and possibly quiz you about them later. For serving, you may just go on one side of the net while your coach is on the other and serve it to them, it is up to you and your coach whether you want to use side hand, under hand, or over hand. And to run, I'm sure you'll just have to run a lap or so before tryouts begin.

  2. My coach makes us first get all warm. Then she has us warm up our arms, and get with a partner and pass. She goes around and looks at us and writes down little notes. Then we move on to setting, then hitting. Then we go to serving. But she makes sure that we do 1-2 suicides then has us serve. Then they debate for a day or two then tell us what teams we are on. But it isn't too bad.  Ours lasted for 3 hours for 2 days.

  3. Oh just all the basics really. My step sister tried out last year and she said bumps and sets and serves and player placement strategies for the most part. The returning players know the spikes well and the new kids are taught them she also said but of course it could be different.

  4. drills that involve passing:

    tosses ball to different spots on th court and you have to run/dive to pass it


    get in a line to hit... they watch and see how good you are


    just that.. you serve

    physical tests:

    liners, etc


    people who want to set are usually pulled aside and do setting drills and then join the rest of the group to set in the drills (ex the hitting drill)


    either the coach or someone will hit the ball and people get in a line to block


    play against eachother and see how you play in  a game setting

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