
What is a typical homeschooling schedule?

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Please help. My 14 year old son wants to get homeschooled. I dont work so im going to help him + imma hire i tutor. he is very smart. well the quiestion is, what is a typical day being homeschooling schedule like. thanks




  1. I'll tell you mine.

    1 hour doing Math.

    1/2 hour doing religon

    1/2 hour doing english (language arts)

    3 minutes doing poetry

    45 minutes doing history

    30 minutes doing science

    1 hour doing spanish

    i do 2 hours ding music because i play violin. I woul get a tutor for Math and science. and maybe a language. a good place to get this stuff is or

    Your are making agood desision! Don't let people discourage you!

  2. in this world if you want your son to do his best send him to a normal school.

    14 is a hard time for anyone , it was hard for me too

  3. No such thing.

    Do what works for your family to meet the education goals that you have set together. Nothing else is likely to work.

    My 3 kids LOVE being hs'd and refuse to go to school anytime I offer it.

  4. A 14yo should probably be looking at doing a bare minimum of 3 hours of academic work a day, probably closer to 4 or 5, but this will depend on the student. This would not include additional time to read, do things like art, sports, etc. Strictly your core subjects. The scheduling is entirely up to you and what will work best for those involved.

  5. There is this academ6y that i am and they work very well. Its called the california virtual academy. You get a whole day to do all your work and they give you all the supplies aswell. Along with a computer a printer and a scanner. I would highly recommend this school.

  6. There is no such thing as a typical homeschool schedule.  It varies so much from family to family, from one child to another, and from one year to another.

    We spend much less time on "school work" than kids spend in a school.  But we do lots of things that we think are fun, but that are also educational--such as visiting museums or the library, going to cultural events, growing plants, reading books of interest, watching educational DVDs, etc.--with a lot of our "free time".

    You'd probably be better off if you first decide what you'd like him to accomplish this year.  Or, at his age, he may be able to decide a lot of it himself (with your input, of course).  If you are using textbooks, decide on how many lessons or pages or chapters he should do each week.  If you aren't using textbooks, decide on a plan of what topics he should learn and how you'll know if he's learned them in enough depth.  Think about whether there are extra events or activities that he should participate in regularly.    Once you decide on these goals, you can have a plan for him to follow.  

    Good luck.

  7. WOW!  You are 15 years old and you have a 14 year old son?  How did you pull that one off?

  8. There is no typical day. Every family is different. It depends upon the number of children, the type of homeschoolers you are, whether a curriculum is being used or whether you are unschooling. A public school meets for six hours, but at home there is no need to take that long as there aren't kids messing about, holding things up because they don't get it, shuffling from class to class, so there's no need to spend that much time in direct instruction. There's such value in playing games, reading together, exploring an interest as long as it holds interest, learning what you're interested in rather than what someone else deems interesting. So there just isn't a typical day. Sometimes we read most of the day, sometimes, we do a lot of art projects, sometimes we take a day and go to the park when no one else is about, but we have great conversations about what was in the paper.

  9. Haha, that girl gotcha on that one, lol....

    Don't be homeschooled....Or homeschool your son....

    It's horrible.....

    Don't do it....

    I (personally) hate it....


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