
What is a v-card??????????????

by  |  earlier

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one of my guy friends asked me if i hold my v-card, what does that mean??




  1. a v-card is a virginity card!!!

    if you still have it, it means you are still a virgin!!!

    hope this helped:P

  2. if you still hold it, you are a virgin, if it has been swiped, you are not

  3. haha lol it means your virginity

  4. I had the same question about a year ago. He's asking if you're a virgin

  5. Virginity

  6. He meant do you still have your virginity...=)

  7. It means if your a virgin or not.  

  8. He's asking you if you still have your virginity...

  9. It means are you still a virgin. And on a personal note... what a jerk haha

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