
What is a vegan exactly?

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I know that it is more extreem than a vegetarian but I dont know in what way.




  1. Vegans don't eat, use, wear or otherwise consume anything of animal origin whatsoever.  We don't eat meat, slaughter byproducts, eggs, dairy foods, or honey.  We don't wear leather, suede, wool, silk, fur, down, feathers or pearls.  We source cosmetics, toiletries and other consumer goods that are made without animal ingredients and without animal testing.  We avoid industries that exploit animals for entertainment, like circuses and rodeos.  The idea is to reduce animal suffering and expoitation to the greatest extent possible.  It's not a quest for perfection, however - we know that there are times when animal ingredients are impossible to avoid or impossible to discern.

    Please note that some of your answers are very uninformed about veganism.  We do not, for example, drink only water and eat only tofu.  We are allowed to wear lipstick.  We are not all underweight.  We are not malnourished.  We do not go for days without eating.  We eat a wide variety of nourishing foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, seed, herbs, spices, and oils... and we enjoy our food.  We know where and from whom to get mascara, lipstick, shampoo and deoderant made without rendered animals.  We look like the rest of you and we come in all shapes and sizes.  It's not a life of deprivation, it's a life of choices made based on principles.

  2. We are just like vegetarians but we don't eat eggs, milk or money, or products that contain the previous.

  3. i think it's an ancient first nations word that translated means "poor hunter" it is the strange practice of not eating meat, eggs or dairy foods, it's sick and immoral.

  4. Veganism is a philosophy and lifestyle that seeks to exclude the use of animals for food, clothing, or any other purpose. Vegans endeavor not to use or consume animal products of any kind. The most common reasons for becoming a vegan are ethical commitment or moral convictions concerning animal rights, the environment, human health, and spiritual or religious concerns. Of particular concern are the practices involved in factory farming and animal testing, and the intensive use of land and other resources required for animal farming.

  5. Vegans exclude the use of animals for food, clothing, or any other purpose. They don't consume anything with animal products such as gummy bears, jello, white sugar, cheese... while vegetarians may consume fish, wear lipstick, cheese!


  6. Vegans abstain from meat, dairy, and eggs.  They also abstain from wearing leather, wool, or any other material that comes from an animal.

  7. a vegan is like a vegetarian, except not only do they not eat meat, they don't eat anything that comes from animals. i.e. milk, eggs, butter ect.

  8. i am a vegetarian but i know what a vegan is it is someone who doesnt eat meat or dairy

  9. vegans dont eat meat dairy or eggs nothing from an animal food or clothing

  10. I vegan is a person that doesnt eat any animal based products ex. eggs milk cheese

  11. it is a race of people that come from the star Vega. They usually eat their young, yet, they would not eat animals from Earth

  12. Vegan people do not eat anything that comes from an animal and avoid using anything that is made with animal products.

    I see that you were previously attributing a persons problems to their vegan diet before you knew what vegan even meant.

    Vegan people are no more likely to be healthy or unhealthy unless they are teenagers that are doing it to show off.

  13. yea basically it is exactly what u said

  14. a person who doesn't eat any animal products incl. milk eggs meat poultry or fish

  15. A vegan avoids consuming meat and animal by products such as milk, cheese, honey.  Many vegans also try to avoid wearing anything made of animal products like wool or leather.

    For much info see

  16. wish i can help u but i think is some one who go days without eating

  17. A person that drinks only water and eats only tofu( to make it simple).

    Of course they do eat other things, but thats  the main part of their diet.

    It get very deep and confusing after that.

  18. Vegan people will not eat anything from animal products, so that means no cheese, no butter (as they are from milk, from cows).

    Many vegans are underweight with lack of fat and protein, however if you do decide to become vegan, remember to eat tofu, and nuts.

  19. A vegan is somebody that doesn't eat anything that comes from an animal, even if you don't have to kill the animal to get it.  like milk from a cow or eggs from chickens.

  20. A vegan is a person that abstains from using and consuming any and all animal products.

  21. A vegan doesn't eat anything that is an animal or comes from an animal.

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