
What is a vegan.?

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can they eat eggs




  1. As far as i know they don,t eat

    anything associated with animals

    eggs butter cheese etc,

  2. they don't eat any meat, including fish. they don't eat any dairy products. they dont wear leather or fur.

  3. my daughter is almost 17 been vegan since the age of 12 by her own choice, i used to have issues with it , now i feel proud she  has her own  convictions.. no one else is in our famliy but her , i do make special food  just for her , some say to me she eats what u make or dont feed her special food, her lifestyle as in being a vegan  costs  more , but she will be working soon and i ask that she helps with her food costs .  she buys i cook it .. she  choses to not eat eggs at all

  4. Vegans do not eat meat of any kind and also do not eat eggs, dairy products, or processed foods containing these or other animal-derived ingredients such as gelatin. Many vegans also refrain from eating foods that are made using animal products that may not contain animal products in the finished process, such as refined white sugar and some wines. Although there is some debate as to whether certain foods, such as honey, fit into a vegan diet, if you are cooking for other vegans, it is best to err on the side of caution and avoid using these foods.

  5. they cannot eat eggs because eggs are an animal by-product

  6. They don't eat any animal products whatsoever.

  7. very thin.

  8. It's known to some as a diet (no animal products i.e. no red meat, white meat, fish, poultry, EGGS, milk, honey etc.), but it's actually more than that. It's a lifestyle.

    A vegan mustn't wear any animal clothing (fur, wool , leather etc.).

    Mustn't buy or cook or promote animal products.

    Must no must not pay to watch circus animals perform.

    Hunt or kill or intentionally hurt any animal.

    Buy or use any medication or cosmetics where the product or ingredients in the product are tested on non-animals.

    Must not go to a rodeo or a bull fight.


    Must do his/her best to spread the good vegan message, whenever the opportunity presents itself.

    Somebody posted a question with the link to a video on youtube, of two vegans who went around San Fransisco asking people if they new what a vegan was. It's hilarious, some of the answers. watch it ;).

    Vegans are not thin, as the person below has said (ballbag). One example that springs to mind is Alec Baldwin.

  9. A vegan does not eat any animal products or by-products

  10. vegetarians eat eggs vegans do not eat meat or fish or chicken or anything that has ever been alive.

    vegan is a philophecy where vegetarian is a principle lifestyle

  11. they hunt and kill innocent animals. then instead of eating them they hang thier skins as decrotive mantle pieces. gross!

  12. someone who does not eat meat or fish im not sure about eggs

  13. No coz they dont eat animal products like eggs, milk, yoghurt..etc

  14. Somebody not eating animal products: somebody who does not eat meat, fish, dairy products, or eggs.

  15. Vegans don't eat, use, wear, purchase or otherwise consume anything of animal origin whatsoever.  So, no, they don't eat eggs.

  16. They do not eat any meat, chicken, fish, pork, eggs, dairy, honey, or any other product that is made with anything that has come from an animal.  They also do not wear or use products made from leather or fur.
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