
What is a verteran list in afl?

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What is a verteran list in afl?




  1. Maddy, to my understanding, it is a list of players who have played a certain amount of years or games at a club, they can be moved to the veterans list to make way for younger players, they don't count in the salary cap, i think, not positive on that but i think that's how it works, thus providing more room to pay other players etc.

  2. it's for players aged 30 +

  3. Lloyd was just put on the Vererna list, hes 30. i think all clubs can have one on there list

  4. Just means Players over a certain age , like say 35, can be added to the veterans list.   Not sure of the exact workings of it, but if you have a certain number of veterans, it makes room on your list to add rookies . ?

  5. Below is a cut & paste from a forum discussing this topic. I am not claiming they are my views but the comments give an idea of the pros & cons of the Veteran's List.

    *****When will the AFL take a close look and revise the eligibility criteria for the veterans list? Currently it is 10 years and the player has to at least turn 30 in the season he is placed on the list. Now with the draft bringing players onto team lists at earlier and earlier ages, many 18 year olds will have to play 12 seasons before they would be eligible. Compare that with someone who starts at 20 and they only have to play 10 seasons. They should scrap the specifics on the age criteria and either simply make it 10 years of playing or maybe add a minimum number of games. For the Eagles in particular, a player like Ben Cousins who just turned 28 but is in his 11th season with the club should be able to be on the list. Given that they have so much difficulty in keeping a player until they even hit 30 due to massive disparity in wear and tear due to the extra travel, it would make sense. Again, like the father/son rule and the draw, the whole setup favours Victorian teams who don't travel. Buckley would have been dead if he had played for a West Australian team.****

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