
What is a very low maintenance pet that is moderately clean?

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My mother has a germ phobia, and It has to be a very small pet. I am open to all types of animals and if you could take the time to suggest one that would be so great!! But please from personal experience!!



-low maintenance




  1. I have fish! They're so pretty to look at and they're are all sorts of different kinds!  Freshwater fish require less money and maintenance than saltwater fish do.  However, salt water fish are usually more colorful.  BUT, if you wanna go REALLY easy, you could always get a Beta fish.  They're beautiful and they don't require a filter.  You just feed them once a day or every other day.  And you could keep it in your room so your mom doesn't have to look at it. :)

  2. A bird would be ideal. They're more fun than fish, and will constantly entertain you. They aren't difficult to take care of, either... just make sure it has food and water and toys, and change the newspaper in its cage when needed. Be careful though - they can be noisy.  

  3. I had a betta fish, they are so easy, all they require is clean water, food and a bowl. Thats it. But if yoyu want something that you can hold I also had a hamster and they are very clean but you have to clean their cage at least once a week if not more. I had a long haired teddy bear, his name was bert, he's the one on my profile picture. I loved him sooo much. He recently dies but lived longer than a full life of 4 yrs. I had a Critter Trail cage which is a plastic cage that usually has a tower of some sort and a tunnel of some sort which they like. The bedding that I found that made him practically odor free was called Carefresh and it made for easy cleaning. But they really are easy pets, and they have a ball that you can put the hamster in and let them run around for extra exercise. they don't need to be fed every single day, you just keep their bowl full of food, it is good to change their water at least every couple of days and maybe get some vitamins to put in the water but otherwise thats all. The more attention you give them the more they get used to you just like any other animal. Good luck and have fun when you get one. Pets are just plain fun and the more attached they become to you the more exciting and fun it can be. Take care :)

  4. Rabbits are great pets!!!!  If you take care of them they are very clean.  There are also very sweet. And the smallest breed is a Netherland Dwarf and they only get up to two pounds. I have 13 rabbits  and they dont smell, well they only do when you dont clean out their cages.

  5. a goldfish, a hermit crab they live forever and are really easy to care 4, a rock jk, a lil lizard like a gecko, a frog , i have a rat there pretty easy,

    a tarantula, a gerbil , a small bird like a parrotkeet there pretty easy ,a hamster, i have had every one of these animal sooooo i have experiance

  6. sea monkeys

  7. A fish.

    They are very low maintenance, small, and pretty clean.

  8. I have a chinchilla and he is by far the best rodent I've ever had. He is relaxed, you only have to feed them twice a day, and bathe them once a day in volcanic ash (you get it and the food where you got a chinchilla). They are also very soft! Also, sometimes, they are a little bit snappy and they will nibble at you, but never even hard enough to break skin. Also, be careful if you live in an apartment, because they are nocturnal and they like to go on their wheels at night.  

  9. Cat. It will clean it self and groom itself and use a litter pan. All you have to do is give it food and water and clean the litter pan. And of course, give it love and affection.

  10. a tarantula would be ideal its very low maintenance and u only have to clean the cage 1-2 times a year most are very small and they eat 2-4 times a week amd they leave theyre droppings im small webs that do not smell and u dont have to clean

  11. a cat is clean and basically takes care of itself all ya have to do is buy it food but get one that doesn't shead

  12. Fishy

  13. A cat is a common suggestion and one that I would also recommend. They really don't cause many problems around the house.

    You could also consider rats. They are small. They are relatively clean. You just need to clean their cage and it needs to be a large cage. The larger the cage the less maintenance they require however they do still require human interaction and stimulation. You much have at least 2.

    I would actually recommend adopting 2 cats as well if you chose them.

  14. You should buy a fish. I know its not an ideal pet but if you also buy an algae eater it would keep the tank clean and you only have to feed it like once everyday/ every other day.

  15. a snake

  16. My niece has a hedgehog. Unlike hamsters, Guinea Pigs and other small rodents, pet hedgehogs do not give off any appreciable odor and they are easily litter trained. They live much longer than rodents, too. With the proper care and diet, your pet can live to be 4 - 7 years old. Add to all of this the fact that they require no immunization shots and are very disease resistant and you can see why so many people consider hedgehogs to be the perfect pet.

  17. fish

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