
What is a visa when traveling???

by  |  earlier

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You know, if i was traveling somewhere I would need to get a visa? What is it exactly?




  1. it is formal permission from a country for you to enter it.and it depends greatly as to

    what country you are a citizen of

    and what country you are going to.

    a Visa is granted BEFORE you are let into a country. If you need one and dont have one you will be stopped at the border and sent back from where you came

    you would have to google something like "visa requirements for Japan" to get your answer

  2. If you are an American citizen, you can use the site below.  just select the country you are interested in, then read the section under "Entry Requirements."  It will tell you if you do or do not need a visa for every country and includes links to where to apply if a visa is needed.  If you are Canadian, see 2nd site for similar information.

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