
What is a voltage?

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i read that skin produces voltages of electricity. can you have like 20 tons of skin in a jar and have them produce voltage to power a city?

i know i really need to take a physics class




  1. Voltage measurements on the skin of a living person can come from 3 sources.

    1. The electrical signals of the nervous system.

    2. Chemical reactions between your sweat, and the metals f the electrodes on the device used to measure voltage. In this case you are just working like a battery, but you can't get any useful energy this way.

    3. Static electricity from clothes rubbing on skin or each other.

    A Voltage is a difference in electrical charge between two places. The difference in charge creates a pressure on invisible particles called electrons. This pressure can cause them to move and his movement is called a current.

  2. I have never heard of this skin voltage thing that you say you have read. I might need a class in biology. To power something like a city you would need a lot of voltage and specially a lot of current. Both go hand in hand. I have not seen the skin power an LED and that only requires .o4amps and .8 volts.

  3. You have been watching Matrix too many times.

    skin doesn't produce electricity.

    nerves produce a tiny fraction of a volt, but only in a living body.
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