
What is a wahabi????

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i want a sunni and shiite perspective, thanks.




  1. A bone headed jerk. An atheist perspective, you're welcome.

  2. Why is everyone asking this question all of a sudden?

  3. To me a wahhabi is supporters of Bani Umaya (Muawiya and Yazid) and by doing so, they become the enemies of Muhammad (s) and his progeny (as)...... Simple.

  4. Al-Wahhaab is one of the Attributes of Allaah.

    When people say so-and-so is Wahhaabi, they intend the following:

    "A follower of Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab"

    According to the 'Aqeedah of Islaam, a person who is Wahhaabi should be a follower of whom? al-Wahhaab.

    Regardless, look at the insincerity of these people. If they were truthful they would say "Muhammadis" as the Shaykh they refer to is "Shaykh MUHAMMAD bin (son of) Abdul-Wahhaab" not Shaykh 'Abdul-Wahhaab, his father.

    The name was first used by the British in India years after the death of Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhaab. Many of the indian scholars traveled to Yemen and Saudi Arabia, and they learned from the scholars and began preaching Islaam again in India. This troubled the British and they spread the term "Wahhabi". The ignorant Muslims took this and used against anyone who called against Shirk and Bid'ah.

    The Rawaafidh Shee'ah have hatred towards the Shaykh because he leveled their shrines and graves where they used to worship the dead, such as in Karbala.

    From Abul-Hayyaaj al-Asadee who said: "‘Alee Ibn Abee Taalib said to me: 'Shall I not send you for what the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) sent me? That you deface all statues and pictures and that you level all elevated graves.'" Related by Muslim (3/61), Aboo Daawood (3/70), an-Nisaa‘ee (1/285) and others.

    Excerpt from The "Wahhabi" Myth:

    The word "Wahabism" is in fact nothing but a meaningless appellation which is used by people in two cases: The term "Wahabism" is often used to describe those who closely stick to the verses of the Qur'an and the narrations of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) in all religious affairs. Consequently, instead of directly attacking Islam for those things that do not appeal to their desires, they call anyone who follows these texts "Wahabis."

  5. They are a cult, created by the british, ask Muhammad ishaq, he got them by the b****.

  6. "Supporters of Muawiya and Yazid, to me that is a wahhabi."<<<< i agree with this!!

  7. Who ever talk about Quran & Hadith ,and preach Tawheed and sunnah

    ,the people who practice shirk and bidah ,They call them wahabi

  8. It is a conservative sect if Islam, sort of like the Mennonite sect of Christianity.

  9. wahabi don't exist , only muslims do

    shias use the term wahabi for every one expose and break with them

  10. Follower of Al Wahhab.

    Al Wahhab is one of the Name of Allah.

  11. A wahabi is a follower of Ibn Tahmiya and the like.

    They are the ones who take a literal approach to religion and resort to fallacious methods in its interpretation.

    They are against any form or logic and are brainwashed by their leaders to follow blindly.

    They were actually created by the CIA/Saudi Intelligence/Pakistani Intelligence to infiltrate Islam from within.

    You can spot their faces by their long beards and lack of a moustache, or by their pants rolled up to their ankles.  Also in most cases they have the face of a dog.

  12. Learn about Wahhabis from this Sunni website

  13. that s wazabi!

  14. It's a broadly define bogeyman term.

    It is used by Christians for any aspect of Islaam they dislike.

    It is used by Shee'ah for any aspect of the Sunnah they dislike.

    It is used by some others such as Soofees for any aspect of Tawheed they dislike.

    Overall it's a group that really doesn't seem to exist, except in the minds of those who have an axe to grind.

  15. i agree with happily happy..

    Al Wahhab is one of the names of a follower of Al Wahhab aka Allah



  16. Shia know them very well


    They are ruining their Name.

    Wahhabis are follower of Iblees.

  17. you better ask Shia about it.

  18. My dear brother please stop kidding Islam and Allah
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