
What is a water bond connection setup for a residential home?

by  |  earlier

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I was told by housing inspectors that the room that was added on is considered a fire hazard and needs a water bond connection setup in order to be up to housing codes and regulations..However i cannot seem to find any information about such a thing so i would know who to call to make any repairs needed...Can anybody help please???




  1. Have the inspector explain it.

  2. I take it this room has water pipes in it. A water Bond is an electrical Bond, it consists of an earth wire being connected to it, i.e. from hot water to cold and to steel sink if there is one.

    The inspector should have explained this to you, but he probably took it you had a builder friend that done the work who would know, however this is not always the case.

    As to it being a fire hazard!!! I would say it’s more of an electric Shock Hazard. Although rare it is possible, which is why the regulation is in place.

    In a domestic dwelling all power points etc in a house go to an earth point on the fuse board. All domestic copper pipes and steel sinks are also connected to this point.

    The reason for this is in case a live wire touches the copper pipe/steel sink anywhere in the house as all the water pipes are not all connected to each other you need to cross bond the pipes linking one to the other with a short piece of earth wire. There should also be an earth wire connected to the fuse board from the pipes.

    It’s not impossible to do most of the work your self but you will need an electrician to connect the earth to the fuse board/Meter, if this is not done already.  

    I understand the regulation require an 8mm earth wire, although the Reg's change so check this out. You will also need electrical clips these rap around the pipe and they have a s***w and nut that you attach the earth wire to and then tighten these up against the pipe.

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