
What is a way to release anger in a healthy way?

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What other ways are there besides exercise? And if you say meditation, how do you meditate because when I meditate I'm always thinking too much about how to not think which is stressful. Thanks in advance.




  1. well there are several ways you can workout thats what i do go to a gum where you can box someone its good to hurt somebody when your mad hangout with your close friends who make you feel happy and etc.

  2. Try doing things you enjoy like reading, gardening, jogging, walking, having a drink, cooking your favorite dinner - things like that....

  3. get in your car and drive like a crazy person

  4. get a punching bag, you can beat the c**p out of it and no one will call the cops on you .

  5. A fantastic physical and physiological release is to scream very loudly (into a pillow so you don't scare anyone or have someone call 911) while pressing down with your lower abdomen, like when you are about to void.  I mean scream bloody murder until you are physically exhausted.  Then, immediately, watch something funny.  If you have the funny movie or show ready to go then you don't have to fuss around with things.  Trust me, it really works.  I learned it in anger management.  It's like jolting your system and then resetting it with an endorphine rush.   Have Fun & Good Luck!

  6. kicking a ball around really hard helps me.

  7. Forgive and be gracious and anger won't be a problem.  That is the best way to release it.

  8. I prefer to run and vent that way

  9. Nadi Sodha is a breathing exercise that is very useful. I use it for anxiety issues. You press one nostril and breath a nice long breath out. Then alternate the nostril and breath in using your tummy muscles. I usually meditate and say "breath out tension...breath in relaxation"  Try it for a few minutes to feel the real effects!

  10. Get a hobbie that keeps your mind busy

  11. alcohol

  12. try 2 count 2 ten! see a demi concert or sumthin

  13. physical activities

  14. well i have anger problems and im guessing that you do too. i find punching stuff very helpful...but dont hit random people...try a punching bags because you probably dont want tons of holes in your dry wall and you also probably dont feel like breaking your hand...just trying to help somehow...

  15. smoke a bowl

  16. on true life: i need anger management, they showed a lot of different approaches to dealing with anger.  some good ideas include: breaking glass in a plastic bag with a hammer, counting to ten, putting your face in a pillow and screaming, crying, using a punching bag, squeezing your fists as hard as you can, taking a few deep breaths and counting to ten, going for a walk, and taking a hot bath.

    good luck!

  17. there isn't.

    i've to deal with my anger for 42 years, i've been to srinks locked in hospitals taken meds done every thing they told me to do, it helped but the anger was still there.

    physical exertion is the only thing that will work.

    i have a punching bag and a old tree, i'll go out back and spend about 30min chopping on that tree or hitting the bag.

  18. I don't know, I just attack inanimate objects and curse them out like a crazy person.  

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