
What is a website that allows you to upload photos of spouses to see what the child may look like?

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What is a website that allows you to upload photos of spouses to see what the child may look like?




  1. Most people use a "Morphing Software." Now this is only to see what your child might POSSIBLY look like with all the dominate traits.  Morphing software ->

    What you want to determine is which person has a dominate trait for a specific feature and have that feature show up in your morphing of photos, I suggest you use a child hood photo of yourself and a childhood photo of your spouse.

    Examples of dominate traits would be:

    Hair -  my husband has brown curly hair and I have straight, curly hair is a dominate trait so there's a good chance our child will have curly hair.  

    Eyes - I have dark brown eyes and my husband has hazel...more than likely our child will have brown eyes.

    Dimples - My husband has HUGE dimples (his entire family) and I don't so more than likely since it's a dominate trait our child has a  great chance to have dimples

    To find out which are DOMINATE TRAITS go here ->


  2. There isn't one, as far as I know.

    It would be nearly impossible, too. Beyond general racial characteristics, (ie, two Zulu parents are not going to produce a blue-eyed blond) genes are too random to make predictions like that. If they were not, all siblings would look alike. Most don't.

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